Sunday, March 9, 2008


Well, i know its kind of late to say this. I am thinking of giving up ham, pork, bacon, etc. (the pig stuff) for lent. WELL! I think i may just give up on it for life if i can. It all started when i read this book about a hidden Jew living in the time of the Spanish Inquisition and so her family owned just a couple pigs, chickens, cows, etc. She had this favorite pig of hers and snuck him upstairs in her bed (cuz he was like a pet dog) and like you know how Jewish people don't eat pork, well, her family didnt. So that pig was like a pet pig to her. That is just half of it. Then like 2 nights after i finnished that book, i had a dream that i saved a pig (more like a piglet) that was being sold to the knacker shop. so then i grabbed it (carefully) and ran like hell to my house. thankfully no one came after me. so then i raised that pig as my pet pig....and so i feel bad when ever i eat pork and the other pig schtuff. i know i know. erotic. yes. not something anyone would do everyday....but then again....yes.....but yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i figured i will definitly try to not eat pig. and so far its going well. (i'm still a little edgy on beef, but poultry [chicken, turkey, duck,etc.] i can eat cuz those animals are like pea if i wanted to go reaaaaaaal far, i would say, I DON'T EAT ANYTHING WITH A FACE. AND! DID I SAY I WAS A VEGETARIAN?? NO!!but like i DO need protein and like i dont eat a lot of beans... but i just went off subject. dammit! i always do that...oh well.