Monday, March 31, 2008

The Young Ones

The Young Ones: Michael (Mike), Rik, Niel, and Vyvyan.

LMAO! Look at Vyvyan's and Rik's face! xD

Mike: He's like a British Quagmire (family guy). Even tho he's suppose to be a college student, he hits on women of all different ages. Eesh. In one episode, he goosed Niel's mom's fanny. Wow.... He's the classy looking one, the shortest, has nice clothes...well nice meaning wealthy looking...
Rik: Apparently he's a fascist...well, to Vyvyan he is...Rik is a wanna-be smarty guy, anarchist, very very weird looking....he usually has a small rat tail in the back....and has a lot of zits....yuck....he's probably the last guy you would want to go out with. Oh yeah. Very ridiculous.
Niel: A HIPPIE!!! ^-^ You can kind of tell what he looks like. Long hair. A duh... i usually feel bad for him because Vyvyan and Rik pick on him and whack him over the head... but true, he is ridiculous. (But he seems like a nice person.) That's just the act though. To act ridiculous and get picked a FUNNY way. He doesn't seem to be hurt by it..... :]
Vyvyan: AH! My fav. for last! Yes. A girl's name. Psshyof. He is so freakin' funny! But really disgusting. He and his rebel friends are all the same. Spit, drink, rings, chains, leather vests and coats. The think i love about him is definitely his hair. I love his bright orange, spiked hair!! (He's not the handsomest though...) Oh yeah! His boots i love! ^^ You can see what he's wearing in the black and white picture. GOSH! Sometimes i just love that style! But it fits the ridiculous British type of person he is!
YUP! These 4 guys are all ridiculous.

Sadly. Not a show any more :[ I love them as much as i love Flight of the Conchords!


Uh, am i allowed to delete comments???

I think i have become very emotional lately. I haven't been talking very much as i use to. And i like it that way. So tomorrow, i'm barely gunna talk at all. Can't people leave me alone then? I hope. BUT IM NOT EMO!..........

Yeah, i just want people to leave me alone.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

No Fasting =(

WAH! It didnt work! :[ I just got hungrier and hungrier! Now im eating peanut butter on bread with milk! WAH!! Oh well. I'll try fasting another time. :]


I'm gunna try fasting for today. Y'know. See how it goes. I know that Muslims fast, but i just wanna try it. All i gots to do is not eat until the sun goes down. I can only drink water i think. But i dunno about the praying part. I cant tell where Southeast is or Southwest. Which ever direction they pray in. I know its not a special occasion to do this but im just gunna try. So......who says i can't?! I don't think anyones gunna hunt me down for doing it.....


OMG! I just finished the AHbsolute fAHbulous book! Night Swimming!!! Its about this obese woman named Charlotte Clapp stealing 2 million dollars from the bank (since she works there) because her doctor told her she only had a year to live. She runs away with the 2 million dollars to Hollywood and buys an expensive apartment with a pool. She idenitfys herself as Blossom McBeal so no one will know its actually Charlotte. Aparently she falls inlove with her sexy pool boy. Blonde, tan, blue eyes. And at night times, she actually goes 'night' swimming and her fat wears off! She then emerges into a beauty! OHH MY GAWD! ITS SO GOOD PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 28, 2008


I love this guy!! ^^

LMAO! Its Cojack!! LMAO!

Sexy!......lmao, but dangerous...mahaa!! ^^

I just LOVE pigs and Tigers! I'm glad they can GET ALONG!!! ^^ How SWEET!

If only pandas were not indangered!!! They are the best!!!! ILY! ^^ caauttteee!!!!

AW! Macques are AHdorable!! I want!

Wanna hear a secret? Y'know, i've always dreamed of being a lion. After i read the book BEAST. Well, besides all the eating the fresh blood from their prey, no i dont. But look how cute they are!!! And they are so....GAH! AWESOME! ILY LIONS!............


AWW!!! This is why i don't eat pork. NO IM NOT A FREAKIN VEGETARIAN!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

think before you speak!

THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!!!!!!! GOD DAMMIT! GEEZ! Its a suggestion to everyone.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Musicality??? WHAT THE HELL!

I think my mom made up a new word....and i have no idea in hell what it means. So me, mom, Derek, and Andrew were in the car. I don't know what we were talkin' bouts. Then she says sumtin like: blah blah blah "...musicality....!" I was like...WHOA!! MOM! HELLO! Andrew was said: "And whats your definition of 'musicality'?" Precisely Andrew. Precisely. Mom was said: "Oh i don't know. Some thing that has to do with music." I say: " I don't think musicality is a word...." Pfffmmttthhaaaa!!! Man...whew....Man i love you mom!!! ^^

Well. My day was going fine so far. Then it wasnt. I was unsatisfied. And now i'm so pissed off. Something just made it worse. I already hate my school, and so it just had to rub it. Well. I guess i should just not live my life as i should of normally would. I'm just a friggin' mistake (not when i was born...i asked my mom one time if i was a i was planned...phew!) I can't try anymore. I'll just love other "things" than the the things i tried to love...

Monday, March 24, 2008

My Fav. Guys

Mahatma (Mohandas) Gandhi
Who in the world could not LOVE this guy?!
I loved him so much that i did a history report on him! hehe.

Bill Murray

One of my fav. funniest actors! ^^

Luv 'im!

Michael Stipe
Lead Singer of R.E.M.
I LOVE this guy!!! Awesome voice man!!

Jemaine Clement

Flight of the Conchords


Bret Mckenzie
Flight of the Conchords
mm...I like :D

Matthew Macfadyen
Mr. Darcy (2005)

Colin Firth
Mr. Darcy (1995)
WHAT?! He's not THAT bad looking!

Y'know, if DAN would give me his picture, i would certianly put him in!

I couldnt find any decent Pete Loeffler pictures that show his face so.....but hes definitly on here!

Yet Another Dream

I had another aHmazing dream!! Again, Maine with Dan. ^^ (Im so pshyced!) Well all i did was just walk up the stairs from the beach and the cabin that was right there next to the stairs was where Dan was. He saw me. Ran and hugged me!! Then the whole dream we spent time together. Tubing. Ice Cream (Mosquitos...♥) We hung out and omg! It seemed so real! And I did not make this up! Why in hell would i want to do that?! Y'know, i just keep having dreams about Maine! No joke! And to post it at this hour, I just remebered about it. So... But jeez! I have a feeling that summer 08 is going to be friggin' awesome!!! ^^ It may not seem so important to is to me!!! BIGGY!!! :) so...yeah...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Pride & Prejudice ♥

Last night and the night before, i watched the best romantic movie i have ever seen before. Pride & Prejudice. AMAHGAHH!!! It was soooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't keep my mind off of it!!! I can't stop watching it!!! Its just the love between the Bennet family that makes me feel so happy!! ^^ They have such a fantastic family!!! I wish i could have 4 sisters!! But also the mysterious love between Elizabeth (Lizzy) Bennet and Mr. Darcy. It was at the first ball when they both caught eachother's eyes!! And that ball he couldn't keep his eyes off Lizzy. But she thought Mr. Darcy was a lonely and miserable man. She was totally wrong!! Yes he made a mistake of separating Jane (Lizzy's older sister) from Mr. Bingley (Mr. Darcy's friend) (Mr. Darcy thought that separating them would be for their own good...Jane liked Mr. Bingley and Mr. Bingley liked Jane very much...its just that they were both shy to express eachother's love and Jane couldn't even tell her feelings to her own sister...Mr. Darcy did not know that...) but yeah! Mr. Darcy made that up very quickly. He told Lizzy he loved her. He got Jane and Mr. Bingley back together. He did things just for Lizzy. But the beginning was the best! AH!!! He just couldn't keep his eyes off of her!!! Man! Then he let her into a carriage with his hand...and ohmghee!! It was just a touch! He kept getting attached to her! Then she started to fall in love with him! Then OH JOY!!!! Another reason i love this movie.....Mr. Darcy is cute ^^ hehe...Matthew MacFadyen ♥ ;)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Maya's Party

Last night was a blast! I was at Maya's dad's house for her birthday and a lot of people were there. But once Ryan and Mack showed up, they became the party. They were doin alll sorts of stuff you wouldn't even imagine. (No! Not drugs or alcohol!) I'm soooo not going into details there. But lets just say that a few were getting pissed at eachother for doin some "stuff" to others........ (NO! Not sex!) I just felt really bad for some people... And when i saw them upset, i got upset...... I got Maya a Blue medium sized Big Toe ugly doll. It was sooo cute! I was so jealous even though i got it for her... And yes, there was love. ^^ Nino and Molly were holding eachother the whole night. I felt really happy for them. ^^ We all agreed to have Maya throw another party like this. I'm glad it wasnt my basement hehe...Though it would of been a little bit less crowded if it were in my basement cuz its bigger so....... Overall it was awesome! But right now i am tired as hell. So im just going to relax. Ariviour!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I just finished this book that was sooo goooooood!!!But i'm not going to tell everything about it. You read it for yourself...ask if you wanna borrow it from me =] the title: The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Gothgirl. ok. just because of the title, it doesnt mean, OH! ITS GUNNA BE ABOUT THIS GOTH GIRL?! EW! no. its more about the "Fanboy" cuz hes a comic book freak y'know. nerd. geek. person type. but like its really wacked out man. but so utterly good! and i have sympathy for that poor Fanboy (you have to read it!) its goin on my list of books. =]

Whitest kids you know xD

No seriously guys! Watch this!! LMAO! I WAS LIKE WHOA MAN!!!! NOW YOU F***** UP, NOW YOU F***** UP, NOW YOU HAVE F***** UP, YOU HAVE F***** UP NOW! NOW YOU F***** UP!!!! ROFLMFAO!!!! mahaa.....

Monday, March 17, 2008

Obese Giraff

McDonalds much?!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

New Playlist!!

OMG! i finnally figured out how to put my playlist on my blog!!! enjoy my music!!!! the first few songs are the funniest i've ever heard ^^ so..........yeah...ciao! ariviour! adios! syanara! (no clue how to spell that....)

Saturday, March 15, 2008


I'm guessing i'm now called...Bobie?? thats what Hannah and Laura told me...I dont even want to know what that means.....but lets just say i wouldnt want to be called that....i have a name you know....not a pretty name but at least i have one. its my birth name... what. im "Bobie" now? well not ok.

My Favorite love & friendship quotes

These are my favorite quotes!!!:
"What is love? Two souls and one flesh; Friendship? Two bodies and one soul."
--Joseph Roux
"Some friendships are made by nature, some by contract, some by interest, and some by souls."
--Jeremy Taylor
"A true friend is a gift of God, and he only who made hearts can unite them."
--Robert South
"There is only one kind of love, but there are a thousand imitations."
"Two souls but a single thought. Two hearts that beat as one."
--Franz Joseph von Munch-Bellinghausen
(the u in Munch has 2 dots over it...just wanna point that out so you dont think munch...)
"Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young."
--Sir Arthur Wing Pinero
I may add more on another post once i find more so......yay??

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

AWWW!!!! Would you look at that!!!! A Bornean bay cat leopard thingy!! AMAGAHH!!! I like died when i saw this!!! ^-^ ^-^ ^-^

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Well, i know its kind of late to say this. I am thinking of giving up ham, pork, bacon, etc. (the pig stuff) for lent. WELL! I think i may just give up on it for life if i can. It all started when i read this book about a hidden Jew living in the time of the Spanish Inquisition and so her family owned just a couple pigs, chickens, cows, etc. She had this favorite pig of hers and snuck him upstairs in her bed (cuz he was like a pet dog) and like you know how Jewish people don't eat pork, well, her family didnt. So that pig was like a pet pig to her. That is just half of it. Then like 2 nights after i finnished that book, i had a dream that i saved a pig (more like a piglet) that was being sold to the knacker shop. so then i grabbed it (carefully) and ran like hell to my house. thankfully no one came after me. so then i raised that pig as my pet pig....and so i feel bad when ever i eat pork and the other pig schtuff. i know i know. erotic. yes. not something anyone would do everyday....but then again....yes.....but yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i figured i will definitly try to not eat pig. and so far its going well. (i'm still a little edgy on beef, but poultry [chicken, turkey, duck,etc.] i can eat cuz those animals are like pea if i wanted to go reaaaaaaal far, i would say, I DON'T EAT ANYTHING WITH A FACE. AND! DID I SAY I WAS A VEGETARIAN?? NO!!but like i DO need protein and like i dont eat a lot of beans... but i just went off subject. dammit! i always do that...oh well.


I'm being the one out of is now a longer a 5some....not physically, but mentally, and socially. Yeah. I'm fed up with it. Leave me alone. I'm just a fly on the wall. and oh!!! to rub it in, i'm being embarrassed by my own "friends"?!!!!!! DAMMIT ALL!!! NOT FUN!!!

Yes. I'm going harsh on myself. But its true. Or maybe i'm just misunderstanding it. Idk....

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Aparently Christian won Project Runway...i'm not all that interested in that stuff. well, i mean like some of the clothes are really cool. But oh man. Laura and Hannah Elizabeth were goin' nuts!! I walk into school and once Hannah sees Laura shes like: AHHH!!!!! Christian won!!! ................. i could care less. But y'know...girls being girls....ofcourse im a girl but not THAT kind of girl. See, i don't really have cable i don't watch shows like i said, im a girl who grew up without cable, so, i just watch them old black and white movies (luv 'em!!) and those seem to satisfy me. i just cook myself up some Ramen ( Katerine...) and go relax with blankets and pillows and the heater....then the movie starts!!! I'm just a fanatic i guess. And my parents watch them movies with me. Its cool, its cool. ^^

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Nothing Special

well i have nothing exactly exciting to write still sucks life...i can't wait to leave it!!^^ but idk.........well, i'm getting better on my guitar. a lot better. rythym guitar is the best! i play the beatles a lot. Hey Jude, Let it Be...y'know...i'm kinda bored with life. winter sucks. i wish for hot weather. well today was like in the 50s. i was wearing a vest walking home. oh but something was funny in study today! y'know how we arent suppose to talk in study? well Emily was talking loudly (as usual) and so Laura said: Emily! Stop talking! It's disruptive to others! so then Emily replied: What did you say? What did you say to me? then Ms. Nagle told her to shut up (not really but it seemed that way) and idk. i just thought that was hysterical! and Laura was like....whoa...pffmmt. Some people can just be idiots! Like me! hehe. Just kiddin'

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Jumbo Hotdog

HA!!!! Jumbo Hot dog!!! eL Oh eL!!!! i wish i was there!!!! how cool would that be!!!!

Soulja Boy nd MC Ham!

OMFG!!! i LOVE it!!!!! whacky much?!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prisoners doing the "Hustle" ?

Haha!!!! How ridiculous!!! xD